Sunday, December 10, 2006

Vivocity with deardear

Playful dear dear at vivocity, playing like a kid

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Saturday, December 09, 2006

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Flowers from Dear Dear

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A sad bikers' poem

I saw you,
hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line.
But, you didn't see me,>put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday.

I saw you,
pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk.
But, you didn't see me,
playing Santa at the local mall.

I saw you,
change your mind about going into the restaurant.
But, you didn't see me,
attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief.

I saw you,
roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by.
But, you didn't see me,
driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window.

I saw you,
frown at me when I smiled at your children.
But, you didn't see me,
when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless.

I saw you,
stare at my long hair.
But, you didn't see me,
and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love.

I saw you,
roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves.
But, you didn't see me,
and my brothers donate our old coats and gloves to those that had none.

I saw you,
look in fright at my tattoos.
But, you didn't see me,
cry as my children where born and have their name written over and in my heart.

I saw you,
change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere.
But, you didn't see me,
going home to be with my family.

I saw you,
complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be.
But, you didn't see me,
when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane.

I saw you,
yelling at your kids in the car.
But, you didn't see me,
pat my child's hands, knowing he was safe behind me.

I saw you,
reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road.
But, you didn't see me,
squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn.

I saw you,
race down the road in the rain.
But, you didn't see me,
get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date.

I saw you,
run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time.
But, you didn't see me,
trying to turn right.

I saw you,
cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in.
But, you didn't see me,
leave the road.

I saw you,
waiting impatiently for my friends to pass.
But, you didn't see me.
I wasn't there.

I saw you,
go home to your family.
But, you didn't see me.
Because, I died that day you cut me off.
I was just a biker,.....
A person with friends and a family.
But, you didn't see me.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Fast Week, every week

It’s a new week again. Somehow rather I find that time passes very fast recently, especially the past 1month plus in my internship. It always begin with a lousy Monday then Tuesday and Wednesday came and went so fast, then it’s the weekend that travel even faster. Before I knew it, the weekend is gone and I am dragging myself to work on a Monday again. Although I did not really manage to talk to much people, or perhaps even have cast a bad impression, I am glad to know that THE PAY DAY IS COMING SOON!! Yeah…!! And this month would certainly be less tight then the previous few months.

The world cup is also here, to relieve some stress from daily work and people. Wooohoo…!!!

I really hope things are picking up for the better, few weird or lucky things happened for the past consecutive few days..


The department head have decided to shift me to another section, one in which the leader is much more impartial, and have more patience in teaching me the stuff. Really glad that took place. Sometimes, you really don’t understand why people can be so against you for a minor minor mistake, but when the one she favours did a huge one, she can patiently explain and go through again and again, despite that happening several times.


It was one evening where I have duck rice for 2 but the uncle gave the wrong change and end up I only paid for one.


It’s the cab fare to granny’s place, the uncle gave the wrong change, and I only paid $8.00! Instead of a whopping $18.00..!

Coincidental isn’t it in just few days apart.
Wait till you hear the next one

And then,
I picked up a handphone last night while having dinner. Woo….!!
Hahahahaaa.. !!

Aiyah almost time for work again.. sigh sigh gotta go prepare liao..

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Have u seen my bike..X8

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Its not easy to be me..

2 old quarrelsome old folks, a sister who is my constant worry and the forever fight with finances, its not easy to be me sometimes. I am no longer as cheerful and happy as I used to be; maybe it’s a sign of old age. Life is really unpredictable. Time really flies and I am getting more and more worried by the day. Many things have move as plan but then what’s next, I really don’t know.

The old folks are becoming more and more like reminding elements, reminding me not to be like them, while mayvis is constantly reminding me to show her a good example. Maybe I think too much.

Fortunately I have got dear dear by my side. I am really thankful for it, and I really wonder how could I have missed it 6, well 7 years back. Perhaps much more could have been achieve, if I did not miss her.

Dear Dear, I really love u , very very much.

Monday, May 29, 2006

The Rain..

The rain can be such a beautiful thing that create life, our food and aid many other things but sometime its equally upsetting too.

i am going into the 6 weeks of my internship in U*B*S, things could have been really nice, if not for my immediate supervisor, whom i have developed a mutual disliking for each other. Everyday is really a misery,my questions not answered properly or maybe given with an atitude. When i make a mistake by accident or justr one of those careless mistake, she will send an email to the whole section penalising it and quoting my emails or mistake that i have done, though they have already past. Well, i have learnt to accept the fact that my life is filled with potholes but sometimes, its way too many and it somewhat dishearten me a bit.

Luckily there is always my dear dear, who i can rely on. Despite a disappointing working week, my weekends never fail to be brighten up by my dear dear. We will go shopping, havig coffeeing and indulging ourselves in a world of our own. Sunday will kickoff with soccer with my sometimes irritating, sometimes disappointing, lovely once in a while, and hilarious most of the time, cockanathan soccer brothers, where we talk cock, play soccer and sometimes watching people quarrel during the match.

All things are beautiful on Sunday... but...


and i did not get to play soccer ... sob sob. . .

Monday, May 15, 2006


Months pass by since I last blogged. Exams came and went, leaving me with heart breaking results. I expect my grades to be colourful with at least a couple of As, but well it is really disappointing.

Internship started at U*B*S, I am working in the Ops department, which is pretty boring. What I did was very very boring. Routine procedural work, and worse of all some thing can be so difficult to understand when the person teaching wasn’t very sure himself. It seems like I have been ending up in the wrong place, a couple of times.

First its B*L*U*R*T!, where conglomerates are formed that ousted anyone who don think in the same fashion, then its internship where, my section are made up people who are friends of friends, or boyfriend and girlfriend of someone. The worst part was there is differential in treatment. What to say, I guess that is just life.

As a result, I am casting doubts on everything, whether whatever that started right from the very very beginning was right! I am just too tired and demotivated with life sometimes. The going only gets tougher. When will I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Bear with me, I am feeling very FUCKED UP.

Even some simple recreational football that me and my friends have every Sunday, have to be spoilt. My dear friend, Ray, throw tantrums towards the end of the game. The reason being, “Maideen is not passing me the ball”. He walked off saying that he don’t want to play. I really don’t want to be rude, but then it’s a really small thing. That attitude is really too petty for a guy and that’s not the first time. I don’t think I have misunderstood you for the past few months or years. I dare to say that I know you best amongst all of our friends.

You know I really enjoy the football every Sunday, its like a part of me, and when things like that happened, I am really upset. I really hope to see a positive change in my life, my friends, work and a touble-free dear dear.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Simple Day

It was ssuch a beautiful day, today. I get to sleep till 11am. the feeling is awesome.

Woke up to have breakfast prepared and my divine cup of tea prepared by my dear dear and consuming them on bed.. ahhaaaha.. Feeling like a king eh!

After which we decide to give our dear bike a wash and a good waxing, bringing it back to its original tip top condition.

Proceed for Prata and teh tarik with dear dear, and everything seems just so wonderful today. Even the prata tasted fresher then usual and so is the teh tarik.

We went back to my house to pack sine stuff, before we head for Ruxing's house, his daughter's full month celebration. Even the buffet taste better then the normal house buffet.

Although part of the day was spoilt by my friends, who were relunctant to go to Ruxing's place, due to some stupid lame excuses.
The execuses as follows:

My gf booked tickets to the movies already.

I am going out with my friends.

(This is the worst one) You know, i am very tired everyday, i have to wake up very early everyday, i am very tired lar. Not don't give face.
this is by my dearest friend Ray.

If you are reading this Ray, pls note, It is alright if you say you don't want to go just say it. I am not gonna force you. I would prefer that rather then u giving me that lame execuse of beiing tired. You start early, you end early and sleep earlier, so whats so tiring about it. U claimed that your job is brainless, no prospect and too simple for you, then what in the hell is making you so tired. If you are so tired, why go to Maidin house to make cookies? LET ME TELL YOU THIS I FUCKING DISLIKE THIS WAY OF HANDLING YOUR THINGS. ACT LIKE A MAN, NOT FUCKING FAGGOT THAT ONLY KNOWS HOW TO FIND EXECUSES, THAT DOESN'T PROVE A POINT. MEET ESTHER SAY MEET ESTHER, DON'T GIVE EXECUSE THAT MAKE YOU SOUND LIKE WEAKLING. AND I AM GOT DAMM FRUSTRATED WITH THIS TRAITS OF YOURS.

Well yeah and this are my friends. I really don't understand them at times. Really, esp RAY.

Anyway yeah its beautiful today, esp the weighing machine showing my weight at 74kg a drop of 6 kg from a week ago. Been having this weird gain and drop off weight symtop. I weighed 80 last week, and 75, 2 weeks ago.

Anyway its just beautiful today...

Friday, March 24, 2006

2nd post for today

Somehow, I felt like blogging again. I think this is the first time that I actually have 2 blog in a day. Dinner was great, especially the eggs, but then, somehow something was amiss, it’s the teh tarik. Well, I had 2 cups today already, so yup no choice must control.

Rented a DVD, though wasn’t what I was planning to get, but I hope my dear would really enjoy it. I am actually rather guilty of not having spent enough time for her; school work is really tumbling down like mad. Projects after projects, meetings and presentations, the worst thing is lazy group mate and she happened to be in the same group with me for 2 subjects. Can you imagine how painful it was, even other mates are complaining about her to me now.

I hope to finish up my remaining stuff asap, 2 more presentations and 3 reports, zeph’s work to the 2 clients, and study really hard for my final exams. Was going thru my results today and realized that I did not perform as well as what I had set for myself before coming into SMU. I am going to work harder and target to achieve 4 subjects in the “A” region, with the last one, ethics, in the “B”, “B+” region.

After the exams, and a short 4 days break, I am going into my internship in UBS AG. I really wondered what’s install for me there. In fact, I am really anxious, I have never work in any financial related industry and holds little knowledge about it. I hoped to learn as much as I could and who knows, what things it might lead to. A better future, I hope.

As I was blogging here, dear dear came in and asked if I wanna have some grapes. This makes me even more guilty. Hai.. When internship starts, I am going to further neglect dear dear, as my working hours span from 4pm -1am . this means that when I am working she knockoff, when I am home, she’s asleep and when she is working, I am home. Meeting up will be harder. Just weekends left. I think I should go and help her with the grapes now.

1 down 2 more to go

I have finally reached week12 of the school term, another 2 more presentations next week, and i will be off from school, preparing for final exams.

It seems really interesting sometimes, how u wish somethings can proceed faster and when it really do, u want it to be slower. Life is really a dilemma, an entanglement of complicated decisions to make. Sometimes, i really admire my fishes, cos they have to do nothing but swimming around in the tank blankly. they don't even have to tidy up their place. got food they eat, got space they swim, how cool. or maybe a dog, i think some dogs do get better treatment then humans.

Anyway, i think all that mentioned is so human, we are just never satisfied with what we are.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Sick, Guilty and Tired

It’s a Wednesday and I am sick again. It all started with headaches from Saturday, Sunday, sinus discharge then finally the throat, and coughing starts to develop. The irritating hiccups started yesterday and guess what, it starts again the first thing in the morning when I woke up.

Left with no choice, I finally headed for the clinic. Waited for about an hour and was prescribed with lotsa medicine. Luckily it wasn’t too costly. A lot of work to do but then I have got medicine that will cause drowsiness….what would u do?

To get well soon or to complete work in this terrible state?

I decided to take the med. As I decide to surf around not doing anything for a min or 2, I stumbled upon my dear dear’s blog. I was really touched by her, being so understanding towards what I wanted. The internship was clearly what I wanted right from the beginning. I was sort of guilty and ashamed of myself about what happened yesterday. I must admit I was somewhat temperamental and agitated by many people, from LTA to inspection and the weather, but I had never ever meant to vent my frustration on anyone or thing. Some misunderstanding occurred and we ended quarrelling during her previous lunch hour break. Despite being angry, I never like to quarrel with her, she make me feel guilty and the fact that I understand the anticipation she had in having lunch with me seriously stung my conscious. Although we managed to talk things out and still ended the lunch nicely, I really hope that the recent arguments will not scar the relationship as we embraced towards a tougher period during my internship.

I also hope that dear dear will enjoy the salad that I packed for her this morning. I promise, I will try to further curb my temper. Really.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Monday 20 March 2006

Its monday again. though i am not feeling the blues, by school work is really coming on fat and hard, meetings, projects, presentation and homework....

Wanted to post some pictures of my visit with Dear dear, ashley, Megan and My sis to The Disney on Ice but then its a bit time consuming.. maybe when i am more free.. maybe tomorrow....

anyway gonna go for project discussion liao
continue later

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Project sees the true character of the person

While very often, i ended up with really good team to work with on school project, there just always need to have this black sheep amidst the crowd.

This particular frd of mine, whom i know for quite a while really changed my opinion of her totally after this particular project that consist of only 2 person.

Knowing that this is a small team, for a big project all the more efforts should be put in earlier to prepare. We planned to meet during teh break but, there was too many ongoing commitment on her side. Then it was the week after the break, but then she got a midterm. So its the week after, somehow somewhat she got an operation and was feeling really weak to talk even on THE PHONE.

After the Op, somehow there is another midterm and this time round, its a 40% midterm. then the week after, which is this week; here comes the best part.

"I thought my midterm was last week but then t turn out to be this week"

Wat the fuck... to be really crude, its sounds like ,
"hey i grab your balls, thinking those were my father's." (hey okay, i mean golf balls)

Well now friday is the presentation, today is wednesday, we need to submit our report on monday, first draft was given but her part are really shitty..

Let's do a direct quote from a sentence and see how it sounds:

"Problem two which may cause seat problem is because the seat is a safety component of the vehicle"

Great sentence, isn't it. If you have seen my blog, my language is really bad or maybe not up to what you can expect from a tertiary student, but when u looked at hers, its sounds like my cousin's homework; simply primary 2.

This in turn cock up my time for other project work and in turn cock up even more things again.

This also resulted in someone close being unhappy, cos i didn't make her work on it again.
the reason is very simple, if the work wasn't done by her(caused she claims that her bf will be doing it) then whats the pt, how would a third party knows what to exxpect.

If she works on it, who knows what she will cock up again. Why not i do it myself, to avoid further shock that could jeopardise my grade.

You wouldn't want to put your grade at stake when u know that, you can make a difference.

Anyway back to work lo...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My day

Sometimes, I really wonder what is wrong to have family member who are so inclined in acting. It sort of build this cycnical personality in me, and very often prejudging people, and jump quick into conclusion.

Today could have been a really nice day, with things going as plan to complete my required readings at a fairly comfortable pace. Doing some nice makeover to my blog and the beautiful day will nicely end off with a jog in the evening.

After a sleepless night, I woke up in the morning feeling grouchy. I know I do be irritated by the slighltest possible thing, so I sat in the living room, slouching reading the papers, digital times especially. Dad, who was currently jobless came back from the market, out to irritate me with his disgusting actions and way of doing things.

I knew I couldn’t tolerate that and make my way to buy breakfast, hoping to find some quiet time to settle my mood. Things really don’t go very well. I got that gastric problem after breakfast, and had the remaining morning feeling bloated. So I thought maybe I should do my readings in the afternoon and proceed to doing some comestics stuff to my blog.

It was about 11 when mummy called, saying that she is going to interview for a part time job nearby and asked me to fetch her. I agreed to it thinking that we could have lunch together and perhaps spend some time together. I thought it might be a good idea to do some catching up with mummy. I always think that its important to communicate and understand my parents.

Things got worsen when we came back after lunch, when mummy started getting agitated for no reason. Perhaps she overspent again this month. Sigh.. and she proceed to the usual ritual of whining and complaining about how pathetic it was for her. You know I was feeling grouchy and I mean really grouchy from the bad night, it didn’t take long to burst the bubble of tolerance. I exploded. It may seems like I am very impatient with my family members, as some of you might think, but to tolerate the family for 10-11 years is no easy feat.

It always the same few things:

Dad came home drunk, trying to start a fight with almost anyone.
Dad explodes for no reason, thus picking up a fight again
Dad whinning
Dad doing some idiotic stuff to agitate anyone at home, esp mum
Dad beat up mummy
Dad beat me
Dad humiliate me
Mummy crying complaining to me
Mummy trying to commit suicide
Mummy whining about the family
Sister being rude
Sister not listening to parents
And last but not least
Marcus gets pumped up and burst into anger or tears.

What the fuck did I do wrong to deserve all these nonsense. I am feeling like having a fight with anyone now!!

So what happened after that, I make myself a coffee, and attend to some other matter for Zeph.. As a result, my plan for the fail again.

Oh no I must complete my reading today…..

Sleepless Night

It was yet another sleepless night last night..

The burning eyes, the constant distubrnace that i get and the massive thoughts of oh so many things.

I think i am gone crazy.

Yeah CraZy...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

My Yesterday - A fruitful day

It was a really pleasant day yesterday. It started with a nice jog in morning, lunching with Granny, mummy and Nick nick(Niccholas, the small boy who’s photos appear in my blog the last few months. He is sick, down with flu and cough. Children can really fall sick so easily. After which they came over to my place, with nick running around the whole place, looking at tortoise and the fishes. Took some photo of him and will be posting them soon.

I was also impressed by mummy yesterday. She was so different. In fact I like her being like that, she was not as impatient as she was before with kids, in fact she looked so motherly and well trained in handling kids, despite not having to deal with toddlers for years. I really do hope to see her like this more often. Really!!

In the evening, I went ot meet dear dear at Century Square to have dinner, a really sumptuous one followed by a kinky chocolate fondue from Hagen Daz. Why kinky? Its more of playing with your food rather then having good food.

I enjoyed the sleep last night too, it wasn’t too long before I was in deep sleep, the only sad thing is that I have been having dreams too frequently nowadays. A mixed of good and bad ones and for some, I don’t even know what it is. Lets hope today will be even more fruitful and pleasant.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Great day begins with a jog

Despite sleeping rather late at about 2am, i managed to wake up this morning seeing my dear dear off to work and followed by a jog. i must really admit that i am unable to catch my old pace. Shits.. The same running route that i used to run by myself since secondary sch days seems to be exceptionally long now, but i shall not give up and will continue to get back what i used to be able to - house to park, 3 rounds ard park, condo wei wei road and then back home.. (Anyway i think i am the only one who will understand what i am typing here.)

As i was running this morning lotsa things seems to be running through my mind. I can still remember vividly, how i could teh road incident just a few days back. A lady driver came out from a small road from the left of the road into the first lane, right in front of me. Luckily i managed to brake in time, slowing down to just a few inches away from her vehicle. I got so angry that i honked at her but then she seems to drive at an even slower pace. What would u do? Humans are just plain selfish at times. i would have felt better if she just give me sorry sign or things like that, but she faked ignorant. I got so pissed that cut through right to her front and moving at 20km/h, she got no choice but to slow down too. i somehow realised then that there is no point in blowing the matter up by asking her to get down from the vehicle, no conclusion would be met anyway.


Even i you don care about the life of the other person, but do note how much hassle it would be if u get involve in an accident - your insurance, police report, time wasted arguing, increase in your next year premium, all in all u just don wanna get involve in an accident so ride and drive safely. You can be really proud that you drive a car, of cos, especially in sunny singapore, where car is not that afforadable afterall. However, be magnaious and give a little attention and respect to the fellow road user, who might not be so affluent, sweating like hell on a sunny day and drench on a rainy day, the motorcyclist.


One of my favourite photo

Bintan 2005

New Creation

I think i am risking my life by posting this....
but i love u no matter how u look

Grandmother story

Its been really long since I last blog a good long old grandmother story on my blog. Well here it begin, I haven’t been to Sunday soccer session for about 3 weeks consecutively, due to time constraint and the heavy workload from school and stuff. However, I am picking up running regime again, hopefully I can maintain it and if possible lose some weight. Pants and shirt seems to be getting smaller by the day( rolling eyes)

The past few weeks have an eclectic mix of heart warming and disappointing stuff.
Lets start with the good ones:

I have managed to make very own first cheesecake.. yeah its not too bad except for the crust, which is not very well done.

I have created 2 new planted tanks, both look rather nice…quite a self satisfying experience.

My dear dear’s room have been rather neat since Chinese New Year, hopefully it will maintain.

Went to East Coast Park with Ashley and Megan, dear dear’s cousin, to play with them while their father went for a dualthlon (not sure if I got the spelling correctly, but its basically something like the triathlon, but with the swimming portion.)

Went to the school gym, and was pleasant surprise by the facilities. It’s a really nice place.

Lastly dear dear finally got a new job an have been adapting pretty well there.

Well the not so pleasant ones:

A series of family problems, including one that almost result in yet another fight with my dad. I really wonder why such things always happen and for the most stupid reason, a window.

A series of running about looking for information and stuff, due to a possible divorce initiated by mummy. Perhaps its time that this should happen, but then again the finances is always the greatest issue.

Grandfather have been hospitalized, and a series of family feud broken out within dad’s family. Sort of irritated by the daily quarrel that he is having on his mobile.
Really sad that my grandparents have to suffer this sort of torment, hope the old man would get well soon.

Irritated by dad’s series of idiotic activities at home such as sneezing in front of the tv, when we are watching it, talking loudly on his mobile, fidgeting with his mobile and talking to himself, and his impeccable ability to almost destroy anything he touches.

Somewhat disappointed by the actions brought about by some sch mates in the same CCA, but anyway its coming to an end. Although I am pissed by their actions, but I sincerely wish that the publication will scale new heights. After all I have learned to appreciate even the slightest efforts that people made to do a difference in the environment. I am glad that I have learned that from the CCA. (To dear dear, yup and I appreciate all things done by you)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

MPW 09/02/2006

Today is one of those day where by i dun find my MPW lesson so crappy. I am particularly impressed by this guy, who happened to have very good contacts and quote corporate figures in his presentation. Somethign very different from the past few lessons, where examples always revolved ard the the sort of projects they have done, their o level.. blah blah blah ..

This is MPW class don't they know human beings are naturally more interested in things that concern them, besides those examples are not substantial at all. ..

Anyway gotta go for IEA class soon, another of the sian class.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

When I'm Gone...

Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
When they know they're your heart
And you know you were their armour
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm 'her
But what happens when karma, turns right around and bites you?
And everything you stand for, turns on you to spite you?
What happens when you become the main source of her pain?
"Daddy look what I made", Dad's gotta go catch a plane
"Daddy where's Mommy? I can't find Mommy where is she?"
I don't know go play Hailie, baby, your Daddy's busy
Daddy's writing a song, this song ain't gonna write itself
I'll give you one underdog then you gotta swing by yourself
Then turn right around on that song and tell her you love her
And put hands on her mother, who's a spitting image of her
That's Slim Shady, yeah baby, Slim Shady's crazy
Shady made me, but tonight Shady's rocka-by-baby...

And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back...

I keep having this dream, I'm pushin' Hailie on the swing
She keeps screaming, she don't want me to sing
"You're making Mommy cry, why? Why is Mommy crying?"
Baby, Daddy ain't leaving no more, "Daddy you're lying
"You always say that, you always say this is the last time
"But you ain't leaving no more, Daddy you're mine"
She's piling boxes in front of the door trying to block it
"Daddy please, Daddy don't leave, Daddy - no stop it!"
Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket
It's got a picture, "this'll keep you safe Daddy, take it withcha'"
I look up, it's just me standing in the mirror
These fuckin' walls must be talking, cuz man I can hear 'em
They're saying "You've got one more chance to do right" - and it's tonight
Now go out there and show that you love 'em before it's too late
And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door
It's turns to a stage, they're gone, and this spotlight is on
And I'm singing...

And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back...

Sixty thousand people, all jumping out their seat
The curtain closes, they're throwing roses at my feet
I take a bow and thank you all for coming out
They're screaming so loud, I take one last look at the crowd
I glance down, I don't believe what I'm seeing
"Daddy it's me, help Mommy, her wrists are bleeding,"
But baby we're in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?
"I followed you Daddy, you told me that you weren't leavin'
"You lied to me Dad, and now you make Mommy sad
"And I bought you this coin, it says 'Number One Dad'
"That's all I wanted, I just want to give you this coin
"I get the point - fine, me and Mommy are going"
But baby wait, "it's too late Dad, you made the choice
"Now go out there and show 'em that you love 'em more than us"
That's what they want, they want you Marshall, they keep.. screamin' your name
It's no wonder you can't go to sleep, just take another pill
Yeah, I bet you you will. You rap about it, yeah, word, k-keep it real
I hear applause, all this time I couldn't see
How could it be, that the curtain is closing on me
I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it
Put it to my brain and scream "die Shady" and pop it
The sky darkens, my life flashes, the plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes
That's when I wake up, alarm clock's ringin', there's birds singin'
It's Spring and Hailie's outside swinging, I walk right up to Kim and kiss her
Tell her I miss her, Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister
Almost as if to say..

And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back...

Actually Syndrome

"Actually, what i actually wanted to tell u is actually, what actually happen on that actual day."

"So do you actually know what actually happened?"

I will try

Promise me the next time u stumble, no frowns.