Monday, May 15, 2006


Months pass by since I last blogged. Exams came and went, leaving me with heart breaking results. I expect my grades to be colourful with at least a couple of As, but well it is really disappointing.

Internship started at U*B*S, I am working in the Ops department, which is pretty boring. What I did was very very boring. Routine procedural work, and worse of all some thing can be so difficult to understand when the person teaching wasn’t very sure himself. It seems like I have been ending up in the wrong place, a couple of times.

First its B*L*U*R*T!, where conglomerates are formed that ousted anyone who don think in the same fashion, then its internship where, my section are made up people who are friends of friends, or boyfriend and girlfriend of someone. The worst part was there is differential in treatment. What to say, I guess that is just life.

As a result, I am casting doubts on everything, whether whatever that started right from the very very beginning was right! I am just too tired and demotivated with life sometimes. The going only gets tougher. When will I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Bear with me, I am feeling very FUCKED UP.

Even some simple recreational football that me and my friends have every Sunday, have to be spoilt. My dear friend, Ray, throw tantrums towards the end of the game. The reason being, “Maideen is not passing me the ball”. He walked off saying that he don’t want to play. I really don’t want to be rude, but then it’s a really small thing. That attitude is really too petty for a guy and that’s not the first time. I don’t think I have misunderstood you for the past few months or years. I dare to say that I know you best amongst all of our friends.

You know I really enjoy the football every Sunday, its like a part of me, and when things like that happened, I am really upset. I really hope to see a positive change in my life, my friends, work and a touble-free dear dear.

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