Friday, March 24, 2006

2nd post for today

Somehow, I felt like blogging again. I think this is the first time that I actually have 2 blog in a day. Dinner was great, especially the eggs, but then, somehow something was amiss, it’s the teh tarik. Well, I had 2 cups today already, so yup no choice must control.

Rented a DVD, though wasn’t what I was planning to get, but I hope my dear would really enjoy it. I am actually rather guilty of not having spent enough time for her; school work is really tumbling down like mad. Projects after projects, meetings and presentations, the worst thing is lazy group mate and she happened to be in the same group with me for 2 subjects. Can you imagine how painful it was, even other mates are complaining about her to me now.

I hope to finish up my remaining stuff asap, 2 more presentations and 3 reports, zeph’s work to the 2 clients, and study really hard for my final exams. Was going thru my results today and realized that I did not perform as well as what I had set for myself before coming into SMU. I am going to work harder and target to achieve 4 subjects in the “A” region, with the last one, ethics, in the “B”, “B+” region.

After the exams, and a short 4 days break, I am going into my internship in UBS AG. I really wondered what’s install for me there. In fact, I am really anxious, I have never work in any financial related industry and holds little knowledge about it. I hoped to learn as much as I could and who knows, what things it might lead to. A better future, I hope.

As I was blogging here, dear dear came in and asked if I wanna have some grapes. This makes me even more guilty. Hai.. When internship starts, I am going to further neglect dear dear, as my working hours span from 4pm -1am . this means that when I am working she knockoff, when I am home, she’s asleep and when she is working, I am home. Meeting up will be harder. Just weekends left. I think I should go and help her with the grapes now.

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