Friday, October 29, 2004


Its been months since I last blog. Life was really hectic, lots of stuff just come and go at the speed of light. Had been planning, organizing and executing some community service project for my LTB, Leadership, Team Building module. It was great fun and tiring too. At the same time Dad got into an accident, which really took up a lot of my time to entertain him and all those insurance people.

My tuition with Lewis have also ended, it also means no income is coming in. In this period of time I also had a soft spot for goldfishes, Ranchu, in particular, and had a few pieces in my house.

Both Shuming and Dongneng’s birthday have passes and I am quite embarrassed by the fact that I cannot afford anything decent for them. I am gonna be going for my table tennis session with the ah pek at the community centre later, wonder how it would be like. If I can afford the time I will be uploading some photos tonight. Do keep a look out for it